My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Full Disclosure: I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand from Mulholland Books via NetGalley.
A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand is set in Shirley Jackson's world of Hill House. You don't have to have read Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House or seen the TV show to enjoy this book. It's got legs enough to stand on its own. October was the perfect month to start this book. It is squarely in the spooky haunted house category of horror. The characters have gathered to rehearse and hone a play about a witch who sells her soul to the Devil to exact revenge on her enemies. I want to see that play. While the house may or may not be haunted, the characters certainly are haunted by demons of their pasts. Is that really what is at play here, and it just takes a creepy old mansion to ignite psychological breakdowns? Also, if locals tell you to take shelter elsewhere during a snow storm, take their advice!
This book should come with a soundtrack so you can listen to the music written for the play they are rehearsing. I imagine it would be quite haunting.
Bonus points for making hares absolutely terrifying. Move over, Bunnicula!
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