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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Review: The Book of Elsewhere

The Book of Elsewhere The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Full Disclosure: I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine via NetGalley.

The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville is based on the BRZRKR comic books created by Keanu.  I haven't read the comic books, but the story sounded very interesting.  This is weird fiction.  You have to be ok with not knowing exactly what is happening in the very beginning. The story will reveal itself with chapters alternating between "present" time and stories from the past that tell the history of Unute aka B.  Not only does B come back from the dead, he also goes into rage states where he becomes a killing machine.  If you don't do well with violence, you might want to skip this.  Although B is the main character, I wouldn't define him as a hero.  He's not necessarily a villain either.  The first few chapters were very slow going as I puzzled things out.  Once it all started to click, the pace really picked up.  You had me at religious fanaticism and pig-worshipping cults!  If you have read the comic books, definitely pick this up.  If you haven't but are looking for something that is an atypical action thriller, give this a go.

Bonus points for incorporating Babe, the immortal babirusa.  Honestly my favorite character.  I could read a whole series just based on Babe's adventures through history.  

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