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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Review: Ascension

Ascension Ascension by Nicholas Binge
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ascension by Nicholas Binge is somewhere between science fiction and horror.  It is presented as a collection of letters written to the main character's niece that were compiled and printed posthumously to warn humans about a threat to our existence.  I am always going to give an epistolary novel a go.  I just love that style.  There are editorial asides which lend to making it feel real.  This did make me think a bit about the movie, The Thing.  A team of experts in their field end up in a very brutal environment trying to figure out what is going on but also what killed the team before them.  The main question is how does a mountain show up out of nowhere?  The only way to find the answer is to ascend.

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