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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Review: Model Home

Model Home Model Home by Rivers Solomon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Full Disclosure:  I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of Model Home by Rivers Solomon from Farrar, Straus, and Giroux/MCD via NetGalley.  It should be available to the public on October 1, 2024.  

Rivers Solomon was in the process of writing Model Home when they read a teeny excerpt at WisCon last year.  I wrote down the title and have been obsessively waiting for its release ever since.  I almost lost my mind when I received an Advanced Reader's Copy because I couldn't wait to read this before Halloween.  You see, Model Home is a ghost/haunted house story, and it will haunt the hell out of you.     When you have to deal with the death of close family members, like your parents, it brings up all sorts of skeletons from your past. How one deals with it varies greatly.  Rivers has a way of writing that really puts my senses through a workout.  I swear I could taste the late night diner pancakes.  I really wanted those pancakes.  Don't let the pancakes distract you! This is some deeply dark stuff we are dealing with, but wow, was it worth it. 

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